Dress the Part This Holiday Season

The holidays are here, and it is time to get gussied up for all the parties that you plan to attend. From your office Christmas party to a night out on the town for New Year’s Eve, you’ll want to look the part with a stylish dress that matches the event you are attending.

Office Christmas Party

When it comes to your office Christmas party, you need to think hard about what you are going to wear. Skip the skimpy dresses and opt for something with a professional edge. While you don’t want to appear too stuffy, you do want to stick to the dress code policy of your employer.

You have plenty of options when it comes to your office Christmas party. You can glam it up with glitter or go bold with a skirt that screams holiday flare. If you are going directly from the office to the party, you can glam up your work attire with a few high-end accessories that will add some sparkle and pizzazz.

Holiday Party With Friends

Holiday parties with friends are the best type of parties to attend. You just know you will have a good time no matter where it is held. However, the venue will dictate what type of dress you wear. Most hosts will inform you of the dress code for the event, but if they don’t, you need to be judicial in your choice of dresses.

You will want a dress that is fun and flirty, so you are confident and ready to have some fun. Pick a dress that moves with you in a festive color that will allow you to let loose on the dance floor. Short or slip dresses are totally appropriate for a party with friends, especially if you are looking to catch the eye of someone special that night. Add some jewelry to dress up your look and a bag that offsets your style.

Christmas Eve Party

Christmas Eve parties are the perfect place to enjoy the start of the holiday season. Because these parties usually take place at night, you can dress it up or dress it down, depending on where you are going. For a party that takes you out and about, you’ll want to spice your look up with some velvet. Try jewel tones or an off-the-shoulder look.

For Christmas eve parties with your family, you can match the mood of the night with a dress that says you are in the festive spirit. Go with a style that won’t offend and makes you feel comfortable. You’ll be chatting away with friends and family that night, so you don’t want to be fussing with straps or sleeves that get in the way.

Christmas Day Party

Christmas day parties don’t have to be limited to red and green dresses. You can go outside the box and wear festive party attire such as velvet, metallic or slip dresses in a variety of colors. Incorporate jewel tones where you can as this is the look of the season. Also, don’t forget that a little black dress, which is perfect for any party event.

Jazz up your Christmas look with heels that kick and accessories that accent your chosen dress. You’ll want to also add a bag that fits just the essentials. Your Christmas look is sure to hit the mark if you stick to a trend that suits your personality and your style.

New Year’s Eve Party

New Year’s Eve parties are the ultimate blow out. The sky’s the limit on what you can wear. From flowing glittery gowns to short and spicy little black dresses, you’ll find that you are only limited by your imagination.

Let your holiday spirit shine with beaded bags and jewelry that compliment your dress. Heels are a must for a New Year’s Eve party, and you don’t have to stick to basic black. Try silver, gold or even a pop of color to show off your fashion style.

Find The Perfect Holiday Party Dress at New York Dress

Let the holidays be a merry time as you step into a dress that fits the party you are going to. Keep these styles in mind as you shop for the perfect party dress to suit all of your events this holiday season.

For all the right holiday party looks check out the expansive collection at New York Dresses. Shop our full inventory to find a party dress that fits any occasion or look you are trying to achieve.

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Astyork January 18, 2024

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